Sunday, June 9, 2013

[Moda i uroda]Kłopot z nieuczuloną skórą

Pewien czas temu zauważyłam na swoich dłoniach dosyć drażniącą wysypkę, która powiększała się z dnia na dzień. Zapewne przyczyniły się do takiego stanu środki chemiczne, których niedawno używałam do wysprzątania mieszkania, a oczywiście nie założyłam lateksowych rękawiczek. Wsmarowałam więc balsam nawilżający, który zawsze chowam w swojej kosmetyczce, tak na wszelki wypadek.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Something for photographers

I am big fan of photography. I try to be up to date with all the news in this area. Recently I did a research and tried to find out where to buy the newest photographic equipment.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Funs of the Cracow

At spring and summer time in krakow Poland are helding a lot of diffirent festivals, so it is a great time to come here. Among those, that can not to be ignorated must be replaced Misteria Paschalia. This festiwal is helding in April. This is also a time of Lend, so which promotes reflection. At the same time all ciemna entusiasts can take part in OFF Plus Camera and meet brillant filmmakers and watch independent films. Another famous festiwal is oriental Jewish Culture Festiwal in June. Jewish music, literature and dance then reign in Cracow.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Welcome in Cracow

There are many place to see in Cracow, so every part of year many people visit it. If you visit Cracow you can choose some from popular krakow tours. Some of they you should to see the essential.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cracow for tourists

There are many place to see in Cracow, so every part of year many people visit it. It is a great idea to visit the most famous krakow tours. You should also trust the guide krakow. He could give you also some advice about pubs, clubs, restaurants and museums krakow. The most common tour in Cracow is certainly the tour that shows the variety of the historical and cultural heritage of Krakow: Royal Krakow, Jewish Quarter, Communist Paradise.